We do not have a Caste system…
Article from https://vhsindia.org/en/we-do-not-have-a-caste-system/#comment-5978

Narendra Devadas
All Hindus are entitled to two identities. One of the ‘thousands of Jathi’s’, as a default professional-community identity and secondly, as an identity by choice, one of the ‘four Guna-varna’s’. For example, I am by birth a Smartha Brahmin (Jathi) but by Choice or Swadharma, I am a Kshatriya (Guna-Varna).
Hinduism is based on universal consciousness experienced as universal love.
The Jathi system is based on the family profession, where the father used to be the primary teacher for the son. Jathi is essential for the stability of arranged marriages, where the professional community samskaras and extended families, support long-term stability of marriages, family well-being and therefore, it also enabled professional excellence. This is the system that has lasted for thousands of years and made India one of the two world leaders until 1750.
In a rare case of personality (Guna) mismatch with the profession (Jathi), one is free to discard ones Jathi and Guna-Varna, and change to a different Jathi and Guna-Varna, by following ‘Swadharma’ (chosen dharma), without a formal procedure. However, to identify with a community, there are formalities or samskaras. This is similar to any modern organization. This has been the case with Hinduism for millennia. This is because; Hinduism allows evolution without the struggles against rigid organizations.
For thousand of years, unjust practices in Hinduism were local and transitory, and self-correcting, mainly because our scriptures did not support such unjust and intolerant ways, as in some other religions. Hinduism is based on universal consciousness experienced as universal love.
We do not have a caste system as in most other countries, where the privileged rich rule over the less privileged as a birth right, as for example in Europe, Japan and even in modern US, where a rich 1% rules over the 99% of the less privileged, supported by the US supreme court decisions. There are neighborhoods and ‘public’ places like restaurants in US and Europe, where you are not allowed or ‘unwelcome’, strictly based on skin color or race or a ‘dress-code’-the worst form of caste system. A brief online search will reveal that the caste systems as practiced in other parts of the world were, and are, much more unjust and violent than the Hindu Jathi-Guna-Varna system.
The historically well practiced, divide and rule policy of the British has amplified the natural differences in Jathi-Guna-Varna system and it has created a segment of self-loathing Hindu secularist, who need to be re-educated and reintegrated. We need to express this on social media frequently, so that we can put an end to these habitually destructive foreign propaganda machines and, the ignorant and corrupt Hindu secularists who follow them blindly.
WE DO NOT HAVE A CASTE SYSTEM… This article very nicely explains the basics of the actual caste system.
To this I will add that one of the purposes of our elated ancient masters in making distinctions in professions, social and mental patterns was to ensure and encourage the speediest path one can take towards self realization (liberation/enlightenment).
If you had a definite professional background-one that is a wholesome and total part of your being, then, it directly enables you to transcend it as the direction towards enlightenment.
For eg. if you are like say Dr.Abdul Kalam, his chosen profession was so much part of him. Any job he takes up is directly aligned to the thought patters of a scientist as well as in gratitude and in support of the nation that supported this system. It has become his very nature (not just a second nature). He became one with the work and everything that he did from morning to night was with these 2 thought patterns as the core.
Thus he stood a huge chance of completing with it and transcending it. This was what everybody was encouraged to do in our system.
In course of time everything decays as the proportion of people retaining these values diminish to the expansion in population. It is time to understand it for what it was meant to be and not be ignorant slaves to a corporate culture or become part of the useless philosophies promoted by communism and other similar ideologies followed all over India that will only breed crooks eventually.
WE DO NOT HAVE A CASTE SYSTEM… This article very nicely explains the basics of the actual caste system.
To this I will add that one of the purposes of our elated ancient masters in making distinctions in professions, social and mental patterns was to ensure and encourage the speediest path one can take towards self realization (liberation/enlightenment).
If you had a definite professional background-one that is a wholesome and total part of your being, then, it directly enables you to transcend it as the direction towards enlightenment.
For eg. if you are like say Dr.Abdul Kalam, his chosen profession was so much part of him. Any job he takes up is directly aligned to the thought patters of a scientist as well as in gratitude and in support of the nation that supported this system. It has become his very nature (not just a second nature). He became one with the work and everything that he did from morning to night was with these 2 thought patterns as the core.
Thus he stood a huge chance of completing with it and transcending it. This was what everybody was encouraged to do in our system.
In course of time everything decays as the proportion of people retaining these values diminish to the expansion in population. It is time to understand it for what it was meant to be and not be ignorant slaves to a corporate culture or become part of the useless philosophies promoted by communism and other similar ideologies followed all over India that will only breed crooks eventually.
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