Monday 11 January 2016

Accounts of ancient India as provided by visiting foreigners

Some of the most stunning accounts of ancient India are provided by visiting foreigners along with the Indian literature of the time which is a major source of learning about the contemporary socio-economic practices.

Indica by Megasthenes : Ambassador to the court of Chandragupta Maurya. His excerptstell about city made up of mainly wood. Wooden Boundries around Rajgriha,Society divided in 7 major socio economic group including Philosophers,Artisans, Military, Shepherds(Chandragupta was himself a shephard by caste), farmers and Administrators.

Pliny described the drain of wealth from Europe(greek) to S Asia or India. This is evident from the issuance of Gold coins during the times of Kanishka. Indian Textiles and spices were famous all along the Silk Route. We imported Horses, Wine and pearls from Europe and Middle East.

After the spread of the Buddhist religion, Chinese travelers came to India in big numbers to collect religious books and to visit holy places of Buddhism
Fa Hein: He was the first Chinese Buddist to travell to India during the Golden age of Chandragupta II. He mentioned that droughts dont occur in the Empire(which is considered as exaggeration) but still it implies people were satisfied. He mentions a class called Chandala. They lived outside town. And came only to scavange. People shut their gates when they used to come. This proves the prevelence of Untouchability; So no Golden age for Sociologists.

Huan Zang: He wrote that he was once robbed on his way which indicates that during the Empire of Harsha trade routes were not secured and centre started to weaken. He told Harsha was very generous and religious (But it is believed he was sponsered by Harsha). An incident is mentioned where Harsha has called a sort of council of Buddhist monk to present them gifts and chaos happened where some one even tried to kill him . He provides wide excerps of Nalanda and spent considerable time there.

Persian Travellers after the attack of Turks
Alberuni (Al-Briuni) travelled to India to learn about the Hindus. He criticised Indians of being arrogant in sharing information. He illustrated the inhuman practice of Sati among Rajput Dynasty. But he was impressed by the wealth of the nation.

Al Masudi, mentions the excellence of Indians in Mathematics.
Abdur Razzaq a persian Ambassador visited Vijayanagar during the reign of Devaraya II. He was overawed with the size and grandeur of the city of Vijayanagar. He wrote, “The city is such that eye has not seen nor ear heard of any place resembling it upon the whole earth”.

Marco Polo arrived on the Coromandel Coast of India in AD 1292 . He entered the kingdom of the Tamil Pandyas near modern day Tanjore, He mentions that according to customs Kings used to sit on Earth. On his asking why they do so the King replied Everyone comes from this earth, works on it and dies here. So they are considered austere rulers. He described the place as the most spendid province of the world. He mentions most of the pearls and gems are produced in Pandayan Empire along with Ceylon (Sri lanka). Cotton was mostly worn both by rulers and subject due to intense hot climate. The king took pride in not holding himself above the law of the land and people travelled the highways safely with their valuables in the cool of the night.

The Persian traveler Abdur Razzak who visited in the 15th century described vijaynagar as follows " The city of Vijayanagar is such that the pupil of the eye has never seen a place like it, and the ear of intelligence has never been informed that there existed anything to equal it in the world"

Portuguese Traveller Domingo Paer was overwhelmed by the greatness of the city. He mentions that no city of Rome is comparable to Hampi. Gardens, Architecture, Military were massive. He mentions of a market where you can buy anything from vegetables to precious Gems. Jewellery was a norm in Indian Families. Market was frequently visited by the members of royal families.

It is said Vasco De Gama filled his ship with spices and earned 60 times the money his entire voyage cost.

When Nader shah invaded India he looted ship full of wealth worh 13 crores. and Kohinoor which according to him was as precious as " If a stone is thrown in all 4 direction and covered with a gold coin will be incomparable to its cost".

But Sufism and Bhakti also tells us that people were unhappy of caste system (Meera Bai) . They wanted to lead a simple life. Corruption was rampant ever since the times of Mauryas. Common men led a simple life. Totalitarianism was prevelent,Prostitution was legal, People enjoyed Wine. Education was given due importance till the arrival of turks. Agriculture and Trading were the main professions. Taxes were high (upto 50%, later on).

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